The gerbil is a very nice little rodent. They are
as interesting to watch as your T.V.! They interact with each other
by playing, boxing, jumping, chewing and climbing.

don't like rats The gerbil is a totally different animal. Their
bushy tails make them more appealing to most people who don’t like rat or
mouse tail. For
your children? It's the perfect small pet! They are not nervous
about frequent handling and won't be sad if left alone if they are in pair.
gerbil being a desert animal, they produce very few feces and urine. The
cleaning tasks are then very easy. They will never have the smell that
hamsters, rats or mice can have.

at all! They are active when it moves around them. They are aware of your
every movement and come to see you when you pass by.
They are totally friendly with kids and also
older ones! They bit only if we hurt them or if we manipulate them to roughly.
But even that, they are very patient.
kept alone
In a matter of fact, gerbils have to be kept in
pair. In group of 2 to 4 they will live happy for 3 to 5 years. Loneliness
makes them apprehensive and even aggressive.